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Jungle Jen

When Jungle Jen isn’t in the jungles of the Amazon, She is speaking and screening the movie all over the world. if you would like to have Jungle Jen speak at your church or event, big or small, Contact us here.



About Us


In response to God’s Great Commission, the three-fold mission of Stand Out Ministries is to prayerfully and Biblically plant Churches in the Amazon of Brazil, to internationally and domestically make disciples who make disciples and to equip people worldwide to fulfill their destiny and Stand Out.

Jungle Jen with girls

Jungle Jen’s Story

From the time she was eight-years-old, Jennifer (also known as: “Jungle Jen”) felt called to be a missionary to the unreached. Twenty years later, God opened the door for that calling to be fulfilled, as a Journeyman with the International Mission Board (IMB).

After three months of Portuguese language training, three months of jungle survival training and a three-day boat trek up the Amazon River, she made her home among the Amazonian “M” community. There, she lived without electricity, slept in a hammock, bathed in the river, dined on turtle head and cared for her pet monkey, Nicco, all while following the heart of the Father and the instruction of the Holy Spirit to reach the community for Christ.

At the conclusion of her first two-year stay, the Amazonian “M” community had a church congregation of over 60 members and two trained pastors (men of the community) who have continued the work that was started there.

After returning home to the U.S. in 2012, the Lord led Jungle Jen to start her own Church-planting, non-profit organization called Stand Out Ministries. Through this ministry and the power of the Holy Spirit, she has started more churches, distributed thousands of Bibles to the unreached, and made many more disciples in the Amazon, several of whom are ministering and planting churches themselves.

Jungle Jen’s countless stories of adventure and faith are being shared world-wide in order to encourage other Christians to answer their own call from God to “Stand Out” and live lives of eternal significance.

Next Steps…

Want to know more about Stand Out Ministries? Maybe you’d like to consider joining them on a trip to the Amazon or donate to their mission. Visit their webpage!

Click here for more info!